Hello Beyond Brand Collective Community,

Meet our office dog, Franklin. He keeps us sane, makes us stop working on occasion and more than often drools, takes us out for walks and crunches loudly on snacks. 

Besides Franklin, there are other exciting things happening in our office. And as is my notorious style, I will get right to the point.
All right, there are three points. Three Digital Campaigns That Work! 😉

SEO compliant sites, email marketing drip campaigns and fantastically targeted social media campaigns is the magic combination. Get in on all three.

Listen Closely
We wanted to report on our tremendous success of several of our clients, in the last year. We have clients experiencing triple growth in their business due to the web site, social media and email marketing work we are doing for them. Both Business to Business and Business to Consumer clients are rebuilding their websites in an attractive and SEO-compliant manner, active on social media and in email marketing and succeeding. Here is what you need to know: 

1 We are building SEO compliant web sites that are working to gain our clients top positions on search engines.

2 We manage social media campaigns that span Facebook, Instagram, and at times LinkedIn. These campaigns are consistently targeted, compelling and contain messaging that is relevant to their target audiences.

3 And, last but not least, we create quarterly email newsletters and weekly drip campaigns that target our client’s audience and focus on the goals they are trying to accomplish with their audience.

If you are not running an SEO compliant site, a drip-email campaign and a bang-up social media campaign, you are missing results. It has been proven to us over and over again that these things work together to court your prospects to contact you and become a customer. Offering information to prospects in one way only is much less effective then repeating your message and offer in a variety of methods. List it on your site, send and email and post on social media with similar language for better results! 

Get in on it
We want you to get all the success that you can and we know that these components are necessary. If you would like to discuss upgrading to our full program, have questions about how these programs work, or the pricing and timing of these types of programs please reach out to us today. Try the Three Digital Campaigns That Work!

You can schedule a call with us by responding to this email or giving us a
call at 253-525-7905.

Until Next Time,

Jennifer Norene
Owner, Founder
Beyond Brand Collective