Whether you are authoring a blog or copy for a web site there are some things that make writing for the web unique. People reading on the web, whether on a lap top, iPad or other device typically scan as opposed to reading every word. #webcontent, #blogtips Click To TweetBecause of this, organizing the copy in an easy to scan or read format is key to good web copy. Designers lay out beautiful graphics and images only to fill the page with barely-thought-out-not-so-strategic copy. Keywords, links and catchy header copy are just some of the opportunities to engage your web site visitor and lead them down the path to conversion to lead and a closed sale.

Below are some basic rules of thumb for authoring effective web copy:

  1. Create a keyword strategy for your site and implement it.
    Solid strategy typically uses your top organic and paid keyword terms in your headers and key paragraphs. Bulk up your site with your keywords in a natural way. Artificial will not play well with Google. Better yet, create blog posts about your core business and you will naturally fill your site with keywords. In other words, be yourself professionally and tell other about your day, your project, your new customer. Write copy that reflects what… Click To Tweet Listen to how your customers talk about the problems you solve for them. Ask your clients how they talk about your products and services. Use the words they are using in your copy.
  2. Write marketing copy, not just straight facts.
    Web copy needs to compel people to read it. Create stories, emotional connection – facts are necessary but draw them in with some your stories and happenings.
  3. Include links to relevant areas within paragraphs
     Don’t bounce visitors all over, but do what makes sense to navigate the consumer to what they need and where you want them to go.
  4. Chunk copy into small bites.
    Online readers scan pages looking for topic headers that interest them.
  5. Add short descriptive headers to key and large paragraphs.
    For example,
    this article is about writing for the web and the the top header is Create a keyword strategy for your site and implement it. 
  6. Edit down copy to the fewest words possible.
    Use pointed adjectives and be short on prepositional phrases. Say your points as directly as possible.
  7. Use your spelling and grammar checker.
    Nothing damages a writer’s credibility more than a spelling or grammar mistake. In general write for a 5th grade reader, but make your grammar sharp. You can use casual or very formal language – use a voice that matches your reader.
  8. Make sure calls to action are consistent, visually appealing and in easy to click areas so that the visitor can respond quickly and easily.
  9. Each page should have a minimum of 700-900 words.
    Current Search Engine Optimization standards demand longer content. If that sounds overwhelming, lean towards the curation of other’s content. For example, cite an article by and industry expert and include your commentary. You can also have a colleague guest post on your site. Remember videos and images can be a post. Provide a photo essay of your best work or a recent success.
  10. Give the search engines at least a month to index your new pages.
    Hire an agency to monitor the success of your content, or study your visitor activity stats on Google Analytics yourself. doing this will provide you opportunities to delete or change copy that is not working and add more of what is.

Give a few of these tips a try and let me know how it goes. Happy Writing!

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